

Financial Planning

Brendan O’Ciobhain

Managing Director and Chartered Financial Planner

Brendan has worked in financial services for over 35 years in various client-facing roles and, along with being the M.D., he continues to provide financial planning advice to the firm’s clients. He is a Chartered Financial Planner and a past President of the Personal Finance Society, the main professional body for financial planners in the UK.

He lives in Berkshire with his wife Sally, with his two sons, Jake and Harry, having grown up and left home. As well as being a founder of Phoenix Wealth Management Limited, he is a keen sailor, having completed a leg of the Clipper Round The World Race in 2022, and is now exploring other adventures, with a polar trip even being mentioned.

Andy Setterfield

Financial Planner

Andy has worked in a variety of roles in a financial services career spanning nearly 40 years, having previously served in the RAF. However, the majority of the time has been spent advising clients, the role that he fills today, having joined the business in 2015.

He lives in Kent with his wife, Jacqui, who is also his assistant, and his sons, Richard and James. His favourite pastimes include golf and good wine, ideally combined.

Angela Barney

Client Liaison

Angela has worked in our Witney office since 1998 in a variety of roles. Her most recent move was into a Client Liaison role, working alongside the Financial Planners and using her encyclopedic knowledge of our clients to ensure that they receive everything that they need. Whilst she is originally from the valleys of Wales, she has lived in Witney since she was 5 years old. Married to Duncan, she has two grown-up boys, Mark and Steven, and now that they have left home spends her newly found free time catching up with family and friends.

Client Presentation live stream

The live stream of today’s Client Presentation at Seckford Hall can be found by clicking below. The stream should be visible from approximately 10.45 a.m.., with the presentation starting at 11.15 a.m..